Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Happy Hump Day!

I swear I am destined to be on a radio contest I hear on my drive to work in the mornings.  I think it's on 98.5 and they ask 10 "random but randomly related" questions in 1 minute.  If you get them all right you get 1000$ but otherwise you get 10$ for each one you get right.  Almost everyday I get all of the answers!  I want to win 1000$!!

Well tomorrow is my last day with my students at work (Friday is parent - teacher interviews).  It's very bittersweet.  My grade 11 and 12's are sad that I am leaving them.  I am the only French teacher they've ever had and even though I'm only going to be gone for 12 class days they are not impressed with me.  I keep telling them they will like me more when I get back :)  Part of the issue is my replacement teacher.  His teaching style is pretty much the total opposite of mine.  He's very regimented and orderly.  I'm pretty much orderly chaos!!  But I've been doing this job for alot longer than he has (even though he is significantly older than me) and I'm way more comfortable / confident with the kids.  I have been telling the kids to "embrace the change" and reminding them that it's only for a limited period of time but it still makes me sad to see them stress out.  But it's out of my hands now - I've prepared the kids and my replacement as best as I can and we'll see what happens when they collide!

A few weeks ago at a football game I bought a bag of Spitz.  I had some, then put them away.  Well yesterday I started snacking on them and just can't stop.  It's absolutely ridiculous.  My tongue actually hurts.  I might have to throw the bag away (which pains me - I might put it in the trunk of my car because I would like to have them at my last football game on Friday).  I also bought some treats for my kids for tomorrow (I'm leaving yet I'm bringing them treats -- seems a bit backwards :P)  They are also calling my name FML.  I will resist.  

I won't be able to make it to a WW meeting before my surgery.  I'm hovering at goal and hopefully a few days of being too sick to eat will earn me another free month.  That's a horrible attitude I know, but I am now totally struggling with not being able to work out therefore having to eat less.  At my lightest weight I was working out hardcore and could totally binge and still stay way belong my goal weight.

I absolutely cannot wait to get back to bootcamp and running.  Right now, every time I see people jogging by the river I kind of want to run them over with my car I'm so frustrated :P  Hopefully in 6 months I will be right along with them :D

Here are some random pics for a Wednesday night

My brother is a huge "momma's boy" (even at 28!).  Him and my mom were excited about their "matching" teal shirts!

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